Chronic Ankle Instability: When a Simple Sprain Becomes a Long Term Problem

Understanding Bunions: What You Need to Know and Why Treatment Matters

Ankle Sprains 101: A Sports Podiatrist's Guide

Metatarsal Stress Fracture? Is Your Foot Trying to Tell You Something?

Suffering From Burning or Numb Toes? We Can Help!
Painful Morton’s Neuroma

How to Treat and Prevent Shin Splints

What Is The Significance Of Gait Analysis In Achieving Optimal Movement And Overall Well-Being?
During a biomechanical assessment, podiatrists carefully examine the way a patient walks, runs and moves to identify any issues with their foot and ankle mechanics. By pinpointing these issues, podiatrists can create a personalised treatment plan that often addresses symptoms' causes to help alleviate pain, improve function, and prevent future injuries.

Understanding Achilles Tendinopathy: Midportion vs. Insertional

Say Goodbye to Warts Using SWIFT Microwave Therapy

Why Would You Choose Prolotherapy Over A Cortisone Injection?

Are Flat Feet Bad?

Why I Should See My Podiatrist For a Biomechanical Assessment?

How to Treat Ingrown Toenails Without Surgery
Do you want to know how your podiatrist can treat ingrown toenais without surgery?

Tired of Heel Pain? Let’s Get You Back on Your Feet!

Navigating Achilles Tendonitis
Don’t let achilles pain hold you back from living the active life you love. Here’s how to combat your Achilles pain.

Achilles Heel Slowing You Down?
How Can I Tell if I Have Achilles Tendinopathy?
Symptoms of Achilles Tendinopathy usually increase gradually and start off as stiffness or aching along the tendon at the back of the heel. It progresses to pain when pressure is applied to the area, or when completing an activity such as running or jumping. It can result in decreased strength and performance on the affected side.