How to Treat Ingrown Toenails Without Surgery

Ingrown toenails are one of the most common conditions we treat at JS Podiatry. Ingrown toenails, which we mostly see in the big toes, can cause the toe to become painful, swollen, red, and in some cases, even infected.

Ingrown Toenail Risk Factors

There are many risk factors for getting an ingrown toenail, including but not limited to:

  • Cutting the nails too short and rounding the edges

  • Shoes are too tight for your feet

  • Stubbing or injuring your toe

  • Picking at your toenails

  • The shape of your toenails is considered ‘involuted’ or ‘pincer nail’ shaped

  • Having sweaty feet, making it easy for the nails to grow into the skin

Introducing bracenfix

If you are concerned about a possible ingrown toenail, visit the team of podiatrists at JS Podiatry. We have many ways we can help treat your ingrown toenail, and don’t worry, there are more ways to do it than just nail surgery! If the nail is in the earlier stages of being ingrown, we have some options for you.

JS Podiatry would like to introduce you to bracenfix! A non-surgical, safe and painless ingrown toenail treatment.

bracenfix is like braces for your toes! It painlessly trains the nail to help realign it as it grows out, preventing the nail from curling and growing into the skin.

The best part about bracenfix is you don’t need to take time off from doing your normal daily activities! You can go straight into normal shoes, and the device is completely waterproof.

A typical course of bracenfix is around 30 weeks. After the first application of bracenfix, the nail brace should be reviewed once a month to allow for corrections or touch-ups to be made. Big toenails can take 12-18 months to fully grow out, so we might not need to do touch-ups for the first three months in some cases!

bracenfix FAQs

  • bracenfix™ is a supportive device that is placed at the top of the nail to help realign it as it grows, similar to braces for teeth. It works by providing support while the nail grows back naturally.

  • Once bracenfix™ has been applied, you can go back to your regular activities without any changes to your lifestyle.

  • Yes, bracenfix™ is completely waterproof.

  • Once bracenfix™ has been applied, many people experience immediate relief, but most feel a significant reduction in pain after 2-3 days post-treatment and continue to see improvement as their nail grows.

  • It is recommended to use water-based nail polish and acetone-free nail polish. Still, using nail polish remover may weaken the adhesion of the brace.

  • Yes, private health insurance can cover the 344 treatment code and you may be eligible for a rebate.

  • Your podiatrist can remove the bracenfix™ painlessly and easily

Tips and Tricks to Prevent Ingrown Toenails

Be careful when attempting to fix an ingrown toenail at home, it is very easy to make them worse if you are using non-sterilised equipment or causing further damage to the toenail!

  • Cut nails straight across, making sure there are no sharp edges

  • Do not pick or rip your nails

  • Avoid tight fitting shoes

  • Maintain good foot hygiene, keeping your feet clean and dry and change socks daily

  • Avoid trauma to the toes

  • If experiencing pain or swelling, know when to seek professional help from your podiatrist

How JS Podiatry Can Help

Without proper management of ingrown nails, they can become infected and become painful to touch. The professional podiatrists at JS Podiatry can assess your ingrown nails and determine the best course of treatment for you.


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